Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Home At Last

Sorry this post has been so delayed. I tried writing it as soon as we got home but our internet has been down. We are finally home after 8 long days in the hospital and it feels amazing. We are soooo in love with our little girl and couldn't be happier. Avery finally passed her carseat test last Tuesday and was cleared to go home last Wednesday. And thanks to Grandma Pabst she had the cutest dress in the whole world to go home in :)

 My mom, brother and sister were able to stay with us and help out as soon as Avery got home and left two days ago on Sunday, they were amazing!.

 We definitely have been blessed with a good baby. She sleeps for 3-4 hours at a time and has done really well at night with the exception of that one day when I ate mexican food.

 She's constantly making us laugh with her funny little faces and sweet smiles. She's a very active baby, and although she scares us because we still have to constantly check her to make sure she's breathing and not holding her breath, we wouldn't have it any other way.

 She has a check up with the doctor this week and a visit to the hearing specialist next week to make sure that her medications she recieved in the NICU didn't cause any long term damage, but we're sure both appointments will go great.We've learned not to take any time with Avery for granted and getting up at 2 in the morning and seeing her smile makes everything ok... These last two weeks have been absolutely crazy but we feel so incredibly blessed. Our house now feels complete with Avery in it. And we want everybody to know how much we've appreciated the phone calls, gifts, meals, prayers, and thoughts on behalf of our little familiy. Life couldn't get much better.

With Love
The McCandless Family


Amberly said...

Bahahaha, I love the picture of her weird face that she made!

Jayme Searle said...

She is an absolute gem!!! I LOVE the picture of her sucking her thumb, so adorable!!!

The Knapp Fam said...

She is absolutely adorable Briana! I love her funny faces too! You look so happy!

SJW said...

Oh, I love this. She is so cute Briana. Both my girls were thumb suckers. You look great btw.

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