Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's been awhile...

Wow it's really been quite awhile since my last post. We celebrated our birthdays! Wyatts was in May and mine was in June. Wyatt surprised me and took me to Skull Canyon for my birthday! I had never been there before. It's an old Canyon that has a lot of caves and old indian burial cliffs. The view was great and we were going to spend most of our time exploring all 5 canyons but once we got through 2 we looked and saw that we were almost out of gas so we're planning on going back later this month :)
Wyatt decided to clilmb up into a cave, It took me a little while but I made it.
We've also completely settled into our new apartment.We are in a fantastic ward and have met a lot of really great people. We've been so blessed to be put in a place that allows Wyatt to work on cars from our home instead of driving to Blackfoot all the time. We are also able to have people over for BBQ's in our backyard, and we are close to campus which is also great. We love it!
For the 4th of July we went up on Saturday with Wyatt's parents, Mariah, Hutch, and his Grandma and Grandpa to West Yellowstone. We spent the day window shopping and we also saw The Foreigner at the Playmill. It was so fun and so nice to be able to just get away for a little while. Later that night we met up with our friends Sunni and Lloyd Lee and watched the fireworks in Idaho Falls. They were amazing and it was entertaining to be able to do some people watching for a few hours before the show started. On Sunday we went to dinner at Wyatt's uncle and aunt's house here in Rexburg. The little boys all had just finished watching Avatar The Last Airbender so they were pretty excited to show me their powers. They asked me what powers i had so i told them "I have the FORCE". They'd never heard of that before so I was a hit! I should've thought about what I said before I said it tho because I then became their main source of entertainment for the next half an hour. It was pretty fun but trying to come up with new powers is a little tricky.
Another exciting thing is that my little brother got his mission call! He will be going to Lansing Michigan and reports to the MTC on August 18th. I wasn't quite sure what Lansing looked like but after googling some pictures I started to get a good idea. I'm so excited for Tyler to be able to serve in such a beautiful area, and I'm so proud of the choice he's made to go on a mission. He will be an amazing missionary. Well it looks like that's all the news for our little family for today. All is well in South East Idaho.


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