Thursday, April 15, 2010

The search continues...

Wow, It's been awhile since I blogged on here. We're currently in the process of looking for a new apartment. Our lease will be up at the village at the end of May. If we decide to stay our rent goes up $70.00! So staying there isn't really worth it. We're also going to be leaving tomorrow to go up to Northern Idaho to see my family for the weekend. Also my little cousin Karsten is gettin baptized so we're excited that we'll be there for that. Also, I found one of the most hillarious youtube videos! I think there's a pretty good chance that someday when we have kids they might be a little bit like this....


jana mae said...

Hey lady! I stumbled on your blog and had to tell you how much I love it! Miss your guts. You look great! Also.. the reason why I'm picking this particular post... I love the youtube video. That kid is cracking me up. Thanks for the laughs today! <3 HUGS!!! (Oh, my thing-a-ma-jig says Miss Marvy... but it's me, Jana. Jana Stokes. ha) :)

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