Ok so here's how it all went down.... I got off work early today and after dealing with last weeks craziness i need to get away so i headed down to the barn to do a little theraputic riding on The Magz! my valiant Steed-ette!
well it was dang hot! so my ride didn't last very long and afterwards i decided to channel my inner Jesus and create a little magic by taking my little sisters to Black Bay to do a little cliff jumping. Well when we got there we were a little disappointed to find that "our spot" was occupied some people but it was all good because our mommy taught us to take turns so we figured it'd be all good. Well... I was just being a good samaritan and letting this rather large (300lb) dude go in front of me and jump off the rock, well i'm glad i didn't challenge him to a cannon ball contest cuz i definately would've lost. anyway... after him it was my turn and so i jumped in and swam to the closest rock and once again i decided to be polite and let him get out first....BAD IDEA!!! well incase you people didn't already know... when a rather large fellow is swimming and his trunks fill up with water, when he goes to get out of the water
abnormally fast the weight of the water in his trunks combines with gravity and you end up with a FULL MOON! oh yes i'm not just talking about a little crack where you could put a quarter in the slot... it was a FULL MOON! so i try to continue to channel my inner jesus an look away at lightning speed so he didn't know i saw. while trying not to puke at the same time. Well this rather large dude also has a rather large girlfriend. Who kept calling a scrub! now I know i should probably know what that means but all i could relate it to was a song by TLC (if you haven't heard it check it out. ) ok so just a thought.... if you were dating someone and truly cared about them... why would you call them a scrub??? bad idea! well we continued our crazy little cliff jumping adventures and got super tired swimming and whatnot so we decided to head back to the car. and just when we thought our afternoon couldn't get any crazier we were watching a bunch of kids swing on a rope swing into the bay. One kid decided to be really cool and not jump into the bay but to just swing back. well as he did he came back around in a big circle he pulled a george of the jungle move and started flailing his legs in hopes that he could kick enough air to propel him away from the oncomming tree but he was un successful and he ended up racking himself on the tree!! oh how i wished i'd had a camera. it was one of the funniest things i'd ever seen. Yes i f
elt bad for the poor kid but that's what you get for bein cocky! lol well the rest of my night has been rather un eventful but it's ok cuz i've had enough excitement for one day... so what have i learned today....

A. if wearing trunks get out of the water slowly
B. never date a guy who calls you a scrub
C. Never flail your legs when swinging on a rope swing over the Bay and if you so choose to take a swing on the rope don't be afraid to jump into the bay!
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